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Cancer Sucks/Toonies for Terry Fox Campaign

Our Cancer Sucks/Toonies for Terry Fox campaign starts Monday, Sept. 19th.  Bring a toonie ($2 cash) to order you sucker from your classroom teacher.  All proceeds will go toward our goal for cancer research through the Terry Fox Foundation.  Suckers will be handed out on Friday (Thursday for Kinder B class) at the end of the day.  Please note that suckers are nut-free, gluten-free and halal.

Kindergarten Supplies

Hello future Centennial Cougars,


We are so excited to welcome you all to kindergarten.  First day for those in Kindergarten B (Tues/Thurs/alt. Fridays) is Thursday, Sept. 1st, and for those in Kindergarten A (Mon/Wed/alt. Fridays) is Friday, Sept. 2nd.


Here is a brief list of items needed for the start of kindergarten:

Back to School

Thursday, Sept. 1st, 2022 is the first day of school for all students from Kindergarten B and grades 1 to 8.  Students in kindergarten A will begin on Friday, Sept. 2nd.  

Please note the new school times are as follows:

8:35 to 8:50 - supervision on the playground

8:50 - bell rings for entry

11:45 - lunch

12:45 - bell rings for entry

3:40 - school dismissal

For information regarding transportation, please visit this link: