Hello future Centennial Cougars,
We are so excited to welcome you all to kindergarten. First day for those in Kindergarten B (Tues/Thurs/alt. Fridays) is Thursday, Sept. 1st, and for those in Kindergarten A (Mon/Wed/alt. Fridays) is Friday, Sept. 2nd.
Here is a brief list of items needed for the start of kindergarten:
- 1 Backpack (normal size, not preschool size)
- An extra pair of runners, to be left at school (if your child is unable to tie laces, please send slip-ons or Velcro runners)
- One box of tissue
- 1 Marker box/pencil case to hold supplies
- Clear, plastic envelope with snap closure- approx. 13 x 9
- 2 Large glue stick – no screw top lids
- 1 container of Play Doh
- 1 box of 10 washable markers Crayola *original colour – broad tip* (please leave the markers in the original box)
- 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
- One - 4 pack of Expo Low Odour Dry Erase Markers (red, blue, green, black)
- Disinfecting wipes – 35 count ( Lysol/Clorex)
- A plastic water bottle
- 10 plastic spoons & 10 plastic forks
- An extra set of clothes to be left at school
- 2 small nutritious snack daily. We try to stress healthy, manageable foods.
(ie: fruit, crackers, veggies…) No nut products!
A nutritious lunch that does not require a microwave and that your child can open by themselves and eat within 20 -30 minutes. Please send all necessary cutlery.
Thank you for leaving toys and stuffed animals at home.
See you soon!